So I must admit, I had no idea what this challenge would be about. Initially I wanted April's Shine this year to be a program. These last few years I held a 30 days challenge every year and I still wanted to invite everyone to join me. Thing is, this last year I almost stopped sharing things online. There was a lot of Facebooking but that was about it. Things were happening at such a fast speed, live life (sic) kinda took over my online life. Painful things happened. Getting to know myself happened in a very deep and profound way.. I changed.
Lots! Shining Mama changed. Things developed, things disappeared, or they went into a kind of hibernation (like Shine Cafe, more on that later). So I have set up this April's Shine to get back in touch with you, my online friends, most of whom asked me what was going on, where I was this past year. (I was on Facebook a lot but not so much on Shining Mama). This April's Shine the only way you can participate in the "challenge" is by following every day's vlog and blog, here on the website, on Facebook or on the YouTube. I would love to hear what you think about what I share. There will be lost of new things in here, things that I was apprehensive to share because of how things "should be".. which they aren't, for me. This past year I started a lot of new projects, I will talk about them also in these next 60 days. I got to know myself in many wonderful and rich ways, I'll share that, too. Thing is, many of my projects turned out to be very different from what I imagined they'd be. Like this book I started writing. I had this beautiful plan to write - for you coz you asked - a recipes book. It would be interactive, I would make videos and shopping lists. It would take some time because of how these recipes usually come to me, which is sometimes in the middle of the night and not with exact quantities.. (I'm not kidding - there's nothing more exciting and in the same time more annoying than waking up at 4 o'clock in the night - when you went to sleep at 2 o'clock! - and not being able to sleep anymore because of concocting a new recipe).. (To be honest, many ideas come to me this way. Because I am stubborn (I am going to sleep, I am going to SLEEP, darn it!!..) and motherly tired (mothers will know what I am talking about), I am not waking up totally to write these things down. So they wind up sometimes remembered, sometimes not.).. Anyway, so what would happen with such an idea/recipe? If remembered, it would be experimented upon tens, sometimes more than a hundred times. Overtime I would improve on it and experiment more. I'd mostly use the same ingredients and experiment with the rest. I'd sometimes make mistakes that turn up brilliantly (like when I added cinnamon to a green smoothie and it was über delicious) and sometimes the experiment would end up in a disaster (like when I used patchouli essential oil in a chocolate recipe instead of orange. Don't ask :-D ) So I started putting together this recipe book and came up with a way to write the quantities down. Surprisingly, when I really sat down to write, there were other things that wanted to be written. From my meditative art making I know that if I don't write/make/draw/paint what is coming through I will not be able to get to what I really want to write/make/draw/paint, even if initially I had a plan. I must admit, a bit grudgingly, I started writing this other thing that wanted to be written, thinking that the next writing day I would be able to get back to my recipes..... Ehmm, nope.. :-) Each new writing day demonstrated to me that this book (mostly) does not want to be about recipes. Coming back to these next 60 days: I will also share some of these recipes I was talking about. And I will share pieces of my book. And other ideas that want to be shared by me. It is a coming back to light if you will. This time, even more complete and authentic. The whole of me as it is right now. This past year I learned a lot about what to share and not to share in a blog/volg. I learned a lot about how a website should look like. And I learned about how I should woo you, the people who work with and follow me. Only to discovered that all these things that "should be so" do not work for me. Like, at all. You will also hear a lot about that. See you tomorrow.
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I write about what makes me feel alive and shining: my work, art, love of life, sun, the sea, essential oils, my V-boy son, raw food and green smoothies.
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April 2020