spring water Today, about water. A short one, to compensate to the huge one yesterday (I am not even sure you had the time to read the material for yesterday, did you? Please let me know!). Water - we need it so so much. Me, I love to swim in it, I love the rain and the snow and I have to live near a bog one.. I also need to "take it" internally - aka drinking:-) we all do, right? I know I will swear in some people's churches saying this but the tap water?? No good. It is full with - literally - shit, excuse my French. I am really grateful that it comes from the wall, please don't get me wrong. I am really happy that I go to the bathroom and I can readily shower. But I could do without all the additives and all the other things that are today in our tap water. And from our tap water it spreads everywhere in the clouds, rivers and the seas..
Fluoride in huge quantities and all kind of organic stuff I would not want in my body if I can choose. Depending on country it's better or worse. And if you look at the cellular level, water wants to go in curves and all out pipes are, well, not curved. For more info - if you are still reading:-) - go to Masaru Emoto's books. In the last years there are also interesting and scary studies that say that our water has now pronounced traces of all the hormones that the women take (remember the pill?), putting the whole hormonal system in danger - for men and women. And even scarier than scary - now our tape water contains radioactive traces from all the chemotherapy.. So what to do about it? As David Wolfe says, you have a filter or you are the filter. I prefer to have a filter:-) Mine is not so fancy at the moment as I am sparing for a total reverse osmosis filter system:-) What I do with my water and I believe you can, too. is:
For the ones who believe only what they see (and their tap water is not brown so they think it's clean) - you can try it for yourself: just let tap water sit for a few days in your kitchen in a deep plate. Eventually fill it again, after a while you will see a grayish white film on your plate.. Try that also with clean water.. Cannot show you the radiation, you will have to believe me:-) While I probably cannot get all the bad stuff out of my water with my method, improving your tap water is something you may want to consider. Also, my system does unfortunately nothing with the shower and bath water - and please be aware that your skin drinks during one shower more water than you can take in in three days! Better solutions yet:
Best of all = spring water. I know we do not all have access to that.. In the Netherlands I have to see yet a spring!. And the bottled spring water is expensive.. (if you want to consider bottled water, please verify the source 3 times and buy it in the glass bottles..) A last one thing that I feel is very important -= consider that the best possible water is available right now to you in your organic fruit and vegetables. So if you juice you get the full benefits of that perfect water.. And if you drink the green smoothies, please consider doing something about the water that you put in them - but the water in your other smoothie materials (if organic) is also the best water possible.. To your health, stay clean on the inside! Comments are closed.
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