![]() I am so so happy and excited to tell you: it's out and ready! Ta ta raaa taaaaa! My (free) Shiny book of Green Smoothies is ready for download. It's totally yours, for free. It's based entirely on my own experience of 3 plus years drinking at least 1l green smoothie every day. I wrote it short and to the point so that if you and/or a friend want to start with drinking green smoothies (or want to know why that would be good for you), you could read it in a day and have a strong base for whatever your decision will be, yay or nay. Ok, I have to admit, I am slightly for Green Smoothies :-) ![]() green smoothie today Today, baby spinach smoothie with:
Also I added:
![]() day 5 april's shine: the green smoothie * purslane 150g: * 1 banana (peeled of course): * 1 orange (peeled and cut in pieces); * small lemons (peeled and cut in pieces); * 1 small apple; * ginger (ZZIIINGGGG); * water to fill, loved and filtered; ![]() green smoothie and todays art journal I admit, Sometimes I beat myself at my own game. Like yesterday, I intended to make a pate out of the sprouted sunflower seeds.. But.. somewhere in the afternoon something was stinking. I thought that it was the fish package. I got rid of it.. I thought there were other things.. Only this morning, when I wanted to finally the pate, oeps!! I discovered that it was my seeds that were stinking as hell.. I realize now that I did not wash them enough and I did not love them enough.. If you do not want this to happen to your sprouts - ever - you maybe should purchase a better sprouting system.. If you are interested, let me know, I will tell you what you can best do. So I did no pate yesterday or today.. I will sprout some more sunflower seeds and I will not let them go bad.. hopefully.. ![]() green smoothie today: kale leaves, pumpkin seed butter, mango Today a special one:
![]() today's green smoothie today's green smoothie:
This one is a bit more sour than usual so if you want a sweeter one, act accordingly:-) ![]() apple milk and green milk smoothie When I asked today what kind of milk he wants (because I had almonds soaking over night), V. answered: "apple milk".. Wow. haven't made that one before:-) But because I am good at inventing recipes (see also the next blog post!!) I immediately saw in my mind what I wanted to put in it:-) Apple milk:
![]() green smoothie
Short, sweet and uncomplicated today. yummy:-) today is still a bit warm..not like yesterday (17 gr Celsius!!) but still (now 10 gr Celsius). Tomorrow is going to rain and it seems that we will have some snow days after that and freezing.. My poor sweet garden flowers that thought (like I did) that the spring had arrived.. ![]() green smoothie with mint Because The Big Great Spring is here.. Because today we go to the market though 17 degrees C!!!.. We thew in the Vitamix:
it was warm going to the Wednesday Organic farms market in The Hague, sweet. And today i did not add any other stuff to the smoothie cause as the springs comes i feel more need of the sweet fresh taste of my green smoothies. Anyways, if you use the first part of my smoothies recipes you will get the fresh taste.. enjoy! ![]() green smoothie march 1st (martisor!) Today:
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ioanaThis is what makes me feel alive and vibrant. It will quite often be about, my art , my love of life, sun, my son and green smoothie:-) Categories