“Life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want.” ![]() We hope you enjoyed the “10 steps to find your Purpose..” that we sent out 5 days ago. (if not yet, check it out) We’ve received a lot of wonderful reactions – and, to be completely honest, also quite a few concerns about the viability of such a journey: “..can this be a real basis for finding my purpose?” and “..it is now so easy as you make it sound?..” Well, no. It’s not easy; otherwise everybody would just do it, isn’t it? And yes, it can be a wonderful basis, if you commit to finding more. You know, not everybody is searching deep for their purpose.. We’ve learned a lot of things along the way: some things are still helpful, some are less helpful and some are down right harmful to the people we are right now. Most of the things we “learned” became patterns along which we act and/or react and, to be again completely honest, most of us are scared (to death!) to look at our patterns of behavior. ![]() "If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up doing nothing for nobody." Malcom Bane Are YOU ready to bring your message into the world? Most of us put on hold what it is that we want until we can do it "perfectly" or we are in the perfect situation. And then.. Taa-daa! Perfect. Never. Happens. Will YOU give yourself permission to get out there now - ready or not? Obviously, in order to bring your message into the world, preparation is needed. There are several steps one should go through. However, before you take these steps, it is essential to turn off all the critical voices playing in your head. Once those voices are silenced, give yourself permission to begin. Go here to see how you can do just that. "I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. Martha Washington ![]() You can count on change. It happens no matter how carefully you plan. The truth is, you have little control over what happens in life. However, what you do have control over is your ATTITUDE. No matter what life throws at you, you have the choice as to how you will view the circumstance you find yourself in. Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and the world cries with you! By having a positive attitude, you will move from “woe is me“ to an attitude of,: “Ok, this is not what I planned, but I will face the situation and discover ways to move forward towards my goals.” It is important to remember that there is nothing that you cannot handle once your accept what is happening. Instead of using your energy to fight a situation, accept it. A positive attitude can enable you to take a chance to do things differently than what you initially planned and to continue on your path while designing whatever it is you want. Join the conversation: tell us about a time when change occurred and you faced it with a positive attitude. And once faced, did it enable you to create something even better than you had originally planned? "Learn from the past but don’t dwell on it; it is, after all, impossible to change." – William Irvine ![]() It is easy to get caught in the past, however it is not useful. This is true for all past life events - the good as well as the bad. If we are not careful, we can easily get stuck in the past and/or the future. DON’T do it! What we need to do is to focus on is our present life, the life we are living and creating TODAY. To maintain focus on the present is challenging but doing so makes for a life that will add up at the finish line. Tell me, If YOU knew that today was to be your last day, what would be your top priorities? I imagine one big priority is that you would have the courage and daring to live the life you have always wanted. “Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; it comes from being open to all the questions.” Earl Gray Stevens ![]() We bet you have lots of questions. We all do! Anyone looking to design the life they want does. And if you are like us, you want your answers fast.. It is not that your answers won’t eventually show up, just be patient . . . In the meantime, you will fearlessly continue on your journey to discover what you want in your life. More importantly, you must take the steps necessary to make that happen. Trust us, it can happen if you commit. You will need to be daring, to feel resilience, confidence and courage. There will probably be failures and mistakes along the way, but none that you cannot learn from. ![]() “The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don't settle.” Steve Jobs “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Rumi ![]() As women, many of us have spent time giving TLC to others while neglecting ourselves. Somehow we feel it is "selfish" to live the life we want for ourselves.. We live up to the plan and messages given to us by society, parents, etc. We, at Shine Business, think we all need to be more than a bit "selfish." Think of the safety tips given by every airline: in case of an accident, place the safety mask over your own face first. Only then will you be able to help others. (As I, Ioana, have become a mother, I still have a huge resistance every time I hear this advice in the plane but I can see it's logic.. I think..) Are you living a life you love? If not, why not? When are you going to commit to designing the life you really want? And: are you taking care of yourself? Do you empty your internal trash can often and well? 20 years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain ![]() Life is going by at breakneck speed. Days and years pass with barely a notice. So many of us are rushing through time. We are constantly busy and often overwhelmed, and we keep moving faster and faster! We act like we can keep this pace up forever, but the truth is, our time is finite. Are you living your life according to your plan or the one that your parents, society, spouse, etc. made for and expect of you? Isn't it time to stop and re-evaluate just how we are spending our one precious life? If YOU were to fast forward to 20 years from now, where would you want to be? Go ahead: Explore! Dream! Discover! Ask yourself, "Where am I now and where do I want to be?" "I'm a corporate-sales professional turned writer. I went from increasing my professional value to following my moral values. I left a six-figure salary to save my marriage and follow my husband to a new location... and life. Writing is an old friend of mine. After a decade selling for corporate giants, I've returned to my first passion. " Sarah Faith Hansen ![]() Does this sound familiar? Have you ever considered packing up and going out on your own to start work that incorporates your passion? We cannot tell you it will be easy to leave a comfortable job and follow your dream, but by doing so, you'll put yourself on the path to achieve meaningful success in your life and business. "And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart. Nothing else really counts at all." Ted Hughes ![]() Is there something you have been wanting to do in your life? If you find yourself stuck and hesitant, ask yourself, "What is it that is holding me back from moving forward into my dreams"? "Isn't it my duty to be willing to take a risk in to create something remarkable in my life?" Besides a feeling of fear, one often is stopped by the thought that it would be "selfish" to pursue one's own goals rather than following the plan and expectations set down by others. |
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Ioana & CarmenShine Business is designed to be a vibrant safe community for dynamic women to find the support and encouragement needed to found, build and grow their Big Dreams. It is a place to be heard, be seen and be authentically YOU. Archives
November 2013