![]() I believe in signs. I believe in a greater power of life that guides us all to live as a whole on this little Planet, as one immense organism. I also believe that each and every one of us is capable of reading these signs and that, in order to be in balance withe everything that surrounds us, we better not forget how to do that.. I will not go ten steps backwards when I see a black cat, it's not this kind of signs I am referring to. But if I want to get somewhere and three means of transport break down before I even start on my journey, I would start to wonder if going is such a good idea. On the other hand, I am constantly catching myself forgetting all this above :-) Today, for example, is Wednesday. In this little family of mine, Wednesday equals a trip to the farmer's market in a nearby town. Recently I even stand behind a market stall selling raw treats sometimes, thanks to Heike from Ciao Bella Canella. I love it all, the interaction with people buying or just tasting, the making of the treats, the energy I and they get from it, all of it. Today I just went there for the weekly organic produce shopping and for tasting Heike's yum creations. ![]() Dear Life, Some days are just a itsy bitsy more difficult, ya know? I bet you never have that problem, do you, Life? :-) I mean, it was just full moon yesterday and this lil family was blasting through resistance like there was no tomorrow..:-) And during these times it seems more difficult to sit and contemplate the beauty of you.. No contemplation whatsoever:-) So I thought I'd just like to drop you a note saying that we are still here, loving you & all. That was it for today, I go read those books my lovely V. is asking me to since I started with writing this.:-) Kikker the Frog, here I come! |
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